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5 Reasons Brewing at Home Is Better Than Your Local Coffee Shop

5 Reasons Brewing at Home Is Better Than Your Local Coffee Shop

National Homebrew Day is coming up, coffee friends, and we’re celebrating it the only way we know how - brewing amazing coffee! Whoever says you can’t make your at-home coffee as good as any barista? Coffee shop brews may seem more convenient, but did you know that you can make coffee at home just as good, if not better? Here are some delicious spring-inspired recipes to kick off your gourmet homebrew journey. 

Not convinced to brew at home yet? Let's chat about what truly makes it possible to make a delicious cup of coffee right at home. That perfect homebrewed coffee is not about the fancy, expensive equipment or spending hours perfecting a barista technique. In fact, we've got 5 reasons brewing at home is better than your local coffee shop - take a look below:

1. Quality control

When you brew at home, the power is in your hands for your coffee's quality. Often, you don’t truly get the option to know what kind of coffee is being brewed for you at your local coffee shop. When you purchase from a gourmet small-batch roaster like Angelino's to build your coffee station, you can more confidently sip knowing it's freshly roasted every time.

Speaking of freshly roasted - have you seen our latest freshly roasted limited editions?

2. Freedom to customize

Do you ever feel bad ordering complicated, customized drinks from a barista? Or, do you have something specific in mind but they don’t seem to offer it? You don’t have to worry about that when you brew at home! You have the freedom to choose exactly how you want your brew to taste. From how hot to how cold, sweetness, roast type, added ingredients, and more - the choice is truly yours with a homebrew!

3. More money in your pocket

That daily coffee shop coffee can be a very real budget monster. Did you know that the average cup of coffee at Starbucks is $2.75? That's a pretty hefty monthly bill when you add it all up - and that doesn't include any of the fancier coffees. Brewing coffee at home will not only save you money (as low as .39 cents per cup with Angelino's!) but it also gives you the freedom to have more than one cup without breaking the bank.

4. It's healthier!

Do you know how much sugar is in your coffee shop concoction? Would you believe 25 grams or more is often the norm? When you brew at home, you can have more control over how much fat, sugar, and calories goes into each cup. Trust us - great coffee doesn't have to be a diet crusher. (Psst! Did you know that summer coffee recipes like these can be easily made with sugar substitutes or without sweeteners?)

5. Skip the line and save time

Popping in to see your local barista takes time. Driving to the shop, waiting in line, waiting for your coffee order - all of this takes time. When your coffee commute is just to your kitchen, you'll not only save time but you may even have a moment of peace before the hecticness of your fast-paced day begins.


Here's to all of our homebrewers! We want to see what you've been brewing lately! Drop a pic @angelinoscoffee on Instagram! 

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