by Brooke Fryer 3 min read


It may sound cliche, but I firmly believe Tanzania is a country everyone should visit at one point in their lives. I’ve traveled across the world with my father, but the landscape here stands out as one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. 

We’ve heard that Tanzania was considered Africa’s visual masterpiece, I was so eager to see this for myself… After experiencing every part of it, I wholeheartedly agree. Imagine a vibrant coast along the Indian Ocean, soft, white, pristine beaches, and super warm waters that are home to some of the biggest fish in the sea. It's more than you can ever imagine. 



Our trip began with Dar es Salaam. We got a glimpse of what a bustling city in Africa looks like. It’s no wonder this is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. This city boasts busy markets with a large local presence, towering skyscrapers, and some of the most beautiful hotels being built right on the coast. 

We took advantage of the incredible beaches and enjoyed restaurants that served loads of fresh, traditional seafood dishes with  elements savored from the different cultures that have come through Tanzania. The rich history here can be seen in strong Persian, Arab, and Brit influence, with each colonial power having left a long-lasting impression on the culture, religion, and food in this region. 



Known as “Spice Island” throughout history, Zanzibar lies right off the coast of the mainland, Tanzania. We took a scenic route to get here, riding a ferry into the island. Their infamous nickname comes from a transcendent period when the people of Zanzibar exported and traded exotic spices as a form of currency, making them far more wealthy than other areas. 

Stone Town is one of the most historic and ancient cities in Zanzibar. We let our feet wander and followed our curiosity, which led us to find beautiful wooden doors to old buildings throughout the town, geometric designs and carvings, local markets with colorful fruits, and so many handmade, unique crafts.

We experienced the city’s rich culture from live performances and dancing all around to exploring the city’s crystal clear waterfront and sailing in traditional wooden boats all while enjoying incredible views of the sunset. 

By far my favorite part was connecting with genuine, welcoming locals. To this day, you can see that Zanzibaris still preserve the origins of their wealth and hold onto their historical base, remaining connected to the waters and the land. They are very proud of their unique Swahili language and how well-spoken they are in that language itself. It truly is a special place.



We took a hopper plane into Moshi, right into the Ngorongoro Crater where we visited a volcanic caldera measuring around 11 miles across. We discovered that the coffee is grown right along the slopes of these old volcanoes. These forest-like mountains, created from volcanic soil, grow some of the most special coffees in Tanzania.

Descending about 2,000 feet from the top of the crater, over 25,000 animals migrate, flocking down into this enormous caldera. It was better than any National Geographic wildlife documentary. Watching a lion hunting down and eating a wildebeest or hyenas coming to steal them is a usual sight here in Ngorongoro. This is easily one of the most mesmerizing explorations in Tanzania to take a safari and see the Big Five for yourself, all in one day.

As we got back to the lodge, I reflected on just how small we are in this vast world of animals, landscapes, and cultures.I remember feeling so present at that moment, connecting with nature and appreciating my surroundings.

This is a place I would like to return to someday - especially with my children so that they can experience the joy of this place like I did with my father.




Coffees from Tanzania are remarkable, but the coffee we’re highlighting is a superior peaberry. Peaberry coffee only grows on this special red volcanic soil which makes it very rare and nutrient-dense. We have some footage to share of the experiences we immersed in from Zanzibar all the way to the Ngorongoro Crater, but most importantly, I think you’ll appreciate this beautiful cup of coffee and the journey we took to get it to you.

This limited edition coffee is selling quickly, be sure to keep an eye out for future releases!


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