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Iced Peaches & Cream Coffee

Iced Peaches & Cream Coffee

If you could capture the taste of spring and brew it, what do you think it would be? Our minds float to something crisp, cool, and refreshing with just the right amount of sweetness. And thus, our newest Limited Edition Golden Peach Cobbler was born.

This new yummy classic dessert flavored coffee is inspired by the juicy golden peach and warm brown sugar flavors that burst forth in every bite of the beloved family treat, peach cobbler. To celebrate our new favorite flavor, we've brewed up a special recipe you're gonna love - Iced Peaches and Cream Coffee! Take a look.

Iced Peaches and Cream Coffee


  • 6 oz. fresh brewed Angelino's Golden Peach Cobbler coffee
  • 5 oz. milk of your choice
  • 1 tbsp honey or alternative sweetener
  • Ice
  • Electrical frother (optional)


  1. Brew coffee into a mug, add honey, and set aside to cool.
  2. Fill your favorite large glass with ice and pour in your brew.
  3. Optional: Froth milk on a cool setting.
  4. Top iced coffee with milk. 
  5. Sip and enjoy!

 Sweeten Things Up a Bit: Add a dollop of whipped cream on top and a drizzle of honey for a little something extra sweet.

Makes one serving.


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