I About Gave Up On Coffee — Until I Found This!

by Abby Marasigan 5 min read

I About Gave Up On Coffee — Until I Found This!

You know how you express interest in something one time and suddenly that’s your thing? For the next 20 years, every gift you receive from friends and family is about that one thing. Well for me, that one thing is coffee.

I never asked for any of it, but my kitchen is decked out with rustic decor with quirky sayings like “I drink coffee for your protection” and “Don’t talk to me until my second cup.” Over the years, my children have amassed hundreds of “world’s greatest” coffee mugs, apparently unaware that the title doesn’t need to be re-assigned annually. The true holy grail of my collection is the coffee nook my husband, Rick, built for our anniversary.

He pulled out all the stops. There are gorgeous cabinets with a stash of even more new mugs — color coordinated to match the dark green of the nook. The drawers are perfectly organized with stores of sweeteners and grounds. The counter space includes a built-in-sink, our classic drip coffee pot, and a brand-new Keurig®.

I couldn’t believe it. I mean, I really couldn’t believe he spent $700 and all his time furnishing this thing!

Rick couldn’t believe how rarely I used it…

Sure, I made myself coffee a few times, but I think Rick was expecting me to live inside of those cabinets. We even got into a little fight about it one morning.

Bitter Words 

“I was out running an early-morning errand, and thinking nothing of it, I purchased a Caramel Macchiato on my way home. When I walked in the door with my tasty Vinti, my husband’s face turned bright red."

“How could you waste money on that garbage after I made this coffee station just for you?”

“I like drinking coffee, Rick. I don’t want to be a full-time barista!” I regretted saying it immediately, but I was feeling defensive, so I buckled down. “You’re so upset about wasting money, should have just gotten me a gift card instead of building that stupid thing.”

It was an awful gut reaction, and I felt terrible! I tried to apologize, but it didn’t help. He left the house and didn’t come back until after dark. I tried again to talk to him, but he went straight to bed. I felt so ashamed. That nook is the most romantic gift I have ever seen, and I called it a stupid waste of money!

I knew I had to make it right, so I called Rick’s sister for help.

The Heat Was On

I thought about giving up on coffee altogether, but my sister-in-law, Joan, said that would have made the problem with Rick even worse. Instead, she suggested leaning into the whole coffee nook situation. That’s when she let me in on a long-kept secret.

Joan told me that Rick only bought the Keurig® because every time he visits her, she makes him some of the best coffee in the world. She said K-cups® are all she ever drinks, but she never told Rick so he’d have to come visit her every once in a while.

“I couldn’t believe it. He’s never been excited about the coffee I made with the Keurig®. Honestly, neither have I. The flavors are nothing special. If anything, they’re super bland compared to our drip coffee, but most mornings we don’t have time for that."

Joan said that there’s one brand you have to use: Angelino’s.

I pulled up their siteto see for myself. They had a ton of options, including some caramel flavors I wanted to try. Joan said all the flavors taste great because Angelino’s has their own roastery, and they ship the coffee straight to you while it’s still fresh. Apparently, that’s why my coffee has been weak; the stores sell it to you stale!

“And they were cheap — some were only $0.39 per cup! That’s almost half of what I spend at the store, and nothing compared to how much my Venti Caramel Macchiato cost me that morning!"

I was sold. I ordered a box of Rick’s favorite Dark Brew and a box of Caramel Crème for myself. I was so excited to tell him about it!

“Don’t just tell him. Show him!” Joan said, offering to drop off a few pods the next morning. It was the perfect way to apologize!


A Fresh Start

The next morning, Joan came through. She dropped off a handful of pods, including a few Dark Brews for Rick. I knew I had some time before he came downstairs, so I made my cup first.

“As my mug began to fill up, the whole room filled with this delicious aroma. All the shame and guilt I felt about my coffee nook was replaced with cozy warmth. I took my hot mug between both hands and drew in a long, pleasing sniff. With every new sip, I became more sure: this was the finest “home-brewed” coffee I’ve ever had. And all it took was the push of a button!"

When I heard Rick moving around, I got his cup ready so we could start the morning on a good note. He could smell it as he walked in, already in a better mood than yesterday.

“Is that my sister’s coffee?” he asked, taking his mug in disbelief.

I said it was an apology. I told him everything I talked about with Joan: the nook really is the most romantic idea, and I love having it. I’m so sorry for taking it — and him — for granted. I didn’t mean to get defensive and say what I’d said. I realized too late that the issue was the coffee, not the nook.

I could tell I was winning him over when he asked how I convinced his sister to share her coffee secret. I laughed and let him in on the big secret: she’s just using Angelino's Coffee Pods.

I told him how I ordered a few boxes so that I could keep this apology going for weeks to come. I suggested we turn our morning coffees into date time, and he loved the idea! Now we’re actually excited to get up in the morning.

“Thanks to Angelino’s, I’ve been using my coffee nook every day for eight months! Now whenever someone asks me what I want for my birthday, I ask for Angelino’s. It’s the only coffee gift I’ll ever need again!"


It’s also my go-to gift for everyone else! I just take one of my infinite coffee mugs, fill it to the brim with my favorite pods, and put a bow on top. I share it with everyone I meet. You should check it out, too — there are 30 different coffees for as low as $0.39 per pod!

Affiliation Disclaimer:
Angelino's and its products are not affiliated, sponsored, endorsed, approved nor licensed by Keurig Green Mountain, Inc. or Nespresso USA Inc. K-Cup® is a registered trademark of Keurig Green Mountain Inc. Nespresso® is a registered trademark of Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. Angelino’s single-serve cups are compatible with Keurig® machines. Angelino’s espresso aluminum capsules are compatible with Nespresso® Original machines and will not work with Nespresso® Vertuo.