Sip, Relax, and Unplug This Holiday Season

by Symphony Ragan 3 min read

Sip, Relax, and Unplug This Holiday Season

It's no secret that the holidays can be a bit of a head spinning time of year. Shopping, busy work and school schedules, and an increasingly active calendar of events can leave you feeling drained and exhausted.

So, why not unplug a bit this season?

What does it mean to unplug, exactly? While there are many variations and methods for achieving it, unplugging is essentially the act of disconnecting yourself from the hecticness of the everyday. Unplugging can be essential during busy times of the year to help reduce stress and anxiety and promote feelings of contentment and joy.

How do you unplug and unwind?

To unplug and unwind can mean different things to different people - especially for those with busy schedules. If you're looking for some inspiration, however, we've got some great ideas to get you started this holiday season. Take a look.

Turn Off Notifications

If you're like many people, your phone, computer, and tablets are chiming with new notifications all day long, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. Try setting a timer and switching off those notifications for a bit. Doing this can help you reset, refresh, and take charge of the rest of your day.

Brew Something Relaxing

What's better than sipping on a mug of your favorite brew and kicking your feet up, if only for a moment? We can't think of anything. Whether it's a steaming cup of your favorite coffee, or a comforting selection of tea, grab your fave and sip, relax, and unplug.

Light a Scented Candle

Did you know that scent is one of the strongest senses tied to memory? This is why scented candles and soothing aromas are popular for so many relaxation-seekers. Why not try lighting a holiday-inspired candle to rustle up some of that magic feeling and inspire feelings of comfort and warmth.

Utilize Subscription Services

There always seems to be a never-ending shopping list of things needed for the household. Take some of the responsibility off your shoulders by utilizing subscription services for things like Angelino's Coffee, groceries, cleaning supplies, and more so you can set it, forget it, and take back your "me time."

Talk a Walk

Not only is taking a walk good for your physical health, but it's also a proven mood booster. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to step away from life for a bit and get some fresh air.

Enjoy the Quiet

Have you ever stopped to think about the constant background noises we have going at all times? Phone notifications, televisions, music - the list goes on. Try turning everything off for a bit and find some peace in your new found quiet.

Put Down the Phone

We know the urge is strong to check that new Tik Tok notification or read the latest email from work, but trust us - it's good to take some time to unplug from the constant stimulation of the outside world from time-to-time. Mute your phone and put it face down - your recharged brain will thank you later.

Catch Up With a Friend

Sometimes when you stop everything and just sit and have coffee with a friend it's all you need to unwind and recharge. Chatting it up can boost your mood, laughing can release stress, and connecting with someone you care about can bring you feelings of comfort - we highly recommend this one. 

What's your favorite way to unplug and unwind? Show us your unplugged style @angelinoscoffee on Instagram!

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