According to Statista,coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. From 2020-2021, there were over 166.63 million bags, each 60 kilograms in size, consumed by coffee drinkers globally.
With different preferences around the world, various coffee beverages have gained traction in multiple countries. From traditional espresso in Italy to iced lattes in the United States, coffee culture continues to evolve.
With this much of our favorite brown brew being consumed, it’s understandable that people want to know what's in their drink; specifically, how many calories are in coffee? In fact, this is a common question we get regularly from our favorite Angelino’s coffee lovers. And you know us - we love chatting about anything and everything related to coffee.
So, let’s get started with…
It might surprise you to hear that calories are a unit of measurement. So, what are calories measuring exactly? Energy! Specifically, calories are the measurement of how much heat is needed to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius of one gram of water.
When it comes to the human body, calories provide us with an efficient unit of measurement to track the number of calories we are intaking versus how many calories we are burning.
Unlike what some food packaging will have you believe, calories are our friend. Our bodies need a healthy and regular supply of caloric intake to fuel us and help keep us healthy. What’s important is finding a healthy balance of caloric intake that works with your individual needs, which is different for everyone.
When more calories are consumed than is burned for energy, the additional energy can be stored in fat cells and lead to unwanted weight gain. Individuals will then find that they have to adjust the balance of calories burned versus calories consumed to lose weight.
If you’re looking for assistance in balancing and tracking your caloric intake, many people turn to calorie and nutritional calculators. Here’s a great one to check out from the Mayo Clinic.
And now for the burning question - just how many calories can you expect to find in a serving of coffee?
As we all know, calorie counts differ significantly according to food groups, fat content, present sugars and carbs, and other factors. Plain brewed coffee, with no sugar or additive of any kind, generally has about 2-3 calories per serving. Flavored coffees with no sweetener generally contain 3-4 calories per serving. This tiny calorie amount puts coffee in the low calorie group.
But here’s where it gets even better - technically, coffee contains a negative amount of calories. That’s right! Because coffee contains caffeine, it affects your metabolism and can potentially help your body burn more calories faster by boosting your metabolic rate! How cool is that?
If you’d like to learn more about coffee calories and coffee's relation to weight loss, you can check out this Harvard study here or this Healthline article here.
Taking into account that coffee can have a range of calories depending on how it's prepared, let's take a look at some common coffee drinks:
While plain coffee is low in calories, adding cream, sugar, and flavors can quickly increase its caloric content.
In addition to understanding calorie content, it's important to know how coffee impacts your general health.
Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, which have been associated with numerous health benefits.
These benefits include a reduced risk of certain cancers, improved blood sugar control, and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Coffee may also be good for your heart health, as it has been linked to lower rates of heart disease and stroke in some studies.
However, it's important to monitor your caffeine intake, as drinking too much of it every day can cause health issues.
Recommendations for daily caffeine intake vary, but most sources suggest a maximum of 400 mg per day for healthy adults.
If you want to learn more about the benefits ofdrinking coffee and the negative effects of drinking too much of it, we recommend checking out this John Hopkins Medicinearticle.
Here are some practical tips to maintain a low-calorie coffee:
By being mindful of these suggestions, you can enjoy your coffee while keeping your calorie consumption in check.
Ideally, calories in coffee are not something you should worry about. However, if you are trying to lose weight by reducing your calorie intake, it’s important to pay attention to your diet. By being mindful of what you eat, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee with less guilt and fewer calories.
Thecoffee drink with the most calories is typically a Frappuccino or blended iced coffee, made with whole milk, flavored syrups, and topped with whipped cream. Calories in these drinks can reach up to 500 or more depending on size, choice of milk, and additional ingredients.
Although choosing skimmed milk and skipping whipped cream lowers calorie content, sugar levels and calories remain considerably high due to added flavors and sweeteners
Yes, coffee can be suitable for a diet when consumed in moderation and without excessive added sugars, cream, or flavorings. The caffeine in coffee can provide an energy boost and aid in metabolism, while the antioxidants found in coffee offer various health benefits. Pay attention to the ingredients of your coffee drinks to ensure they align with your specific dietary needs.
The minimal calories present ina cup of coffee actually come from the coffee beans used in the brewing process.
Essentially, the beans contain traces of carbohydrates and protein which, when extracted during brewing, contribute to the coffee's total calorie count.
However, these components are found in such small amounts that they account for only 1-3 calories in a typical serving of black coffee. This is why coffee itself is considered a low-calorie drink.
Different coffee brewing methods generally don't significantly impact the calorie count in coffee. The main component dictating calories is the coffee bean itself, which contributes minimal calories.
However, brewing techniques extracting more oils like French press could slightly increase calories due to oils within the coffee beans.
Bigger sizes will generally have more calories due to a larger amount of coffee, milk, sugar, flavorings, etc. It's important to note that the calories from the added ingredients such as milk and sugar will scale up more significantly with size than the calories from the coffee itself.
Plain black coffee has very few calories, but if you're consuming large amounts of high-calorie coffee drinks with added milk and sugar, these could contribute significantly to your daily calorie intake. It's always wise to consider this as part of your overall nutrition planning.
It’s important to note, however, that it’s not healthy or recommended to boost your caffeine intake to obtain weight loss results unless you consult with your doctor first.